Sunday, June 10, 2007

My thoughts on immigration

Some of this refers to comments made in an email thread I have added a link to similar content here(bird feeder).

Immigration is great for this country. The bird feeder problem is the same as the deer feeding problem in my opinion but it is not the case here.
The problem is not the immigrants pouring into this country but it is the democrat/republican socialist pigs that you people continuously elect/re-elect(if you don't vote, you can't complain).

The problem is not the birds for taking advantage of the bird feeder, it the fool who puts the bird feeder there in the first place! If you don't want the birds building nests and shitting all over your yard, DON'T PUT A FRIGGING BIRD FEEDER THERE FOR THEM!

So keeping that thought in mind, if we didn't have a system for immigrants to abuse then they wouldn't abuse it and we would have only immigrants that work and provide jobs. Just look to Europe for examples of how bad it can get with the social programs that exist there.

Now how do you solve the so called immigration problem?
I agree we have a problem with immigration and that is we don't allow enough people to emigrate into our country.
I also believe that breaking the law should not be rewarded either. Maybe some laws need to be changed here, this is up for discussion. All I ask is people enter through the front door not through my windows.
So what should be done is, for every person here illegally that is returned to their home country, a person who has been waiting on line will be admitted into the US.

Since Mexico is a large problem when it comes to illegal immigration we also need to threaten the Mexican Government(not talk, that opportunity has passed) to take care of their problems and to stop exporting them to us.

The big myth that immigrant take jobs that American won't is the biggest bunch of bull shit I have ever heard and I really get sick of hearing that excuse. We have over 6 Million or more people on welfare in this country I am sure they could do these jobs. We also have millions (couldn't find an accurate number for this anywhere) of people on SSI and I am almost positive more than half of them should be able to do some of these jobs. And what ever is left over could be done by "legal" immigrants.

Now here is the rub.. We really can't make these illegal immigrants legal. Because if we did they would have to get the minimum wage and join unions etc... and that would put them out of a job since some or most of the jobs they do now, are not paying them a "legal" wage.

50 - 100 years ago immigrants of any education would have been acceptable, but today we need immigrants who are educated and can think. If we continue to allow any immigrant into this country I guarantee that some may make it ok, but many will just become a burden to society and we do not need that. Do we really want our society to look like the shanty towns they have over in Mexico where these immigrants are coming from?

There may not be a specific case of a terrorist crossing our border from Mexico, but does that mean we shouldn't protect it? There was no case of people flying planes into buildings before 9/11 so maybe it was proper to ignore that as an option before 9/11. Now we know better and we should be prepared as long as it doesn't infringe on our rights(something for another discussion).

In order to even start to solve the immigration problem we need to protect our borders first. How, is up for discussion, but that should be the first order of business then we can figure out how to weed out the illegals and return them to whence they came.

I am not condoning the mass removal of all illegal aliens and sending them back to Mexico this second, it may take many years to do this. And the fact that families and children will be hurt in the process is not my problem since they chose the path that they took, no one forced them. If people continue to use such logic then maybe it would be better to not lock up a father or mother who committed a crime as not to disrupt their family and hurt the kids(this is absurd).

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