Tuesday, January 30, 2007

DRM sucks and here is proof.

I had gotten some music from Walmart Music and of course it was DRM'd.
Now I did everything that was asked of me so I wouldn't have any problems if I moved to another computer etc... I backed up my files and music just in case. And now here is the rub, I just got a new laptop and I go to update the license in Windows Media Player 11 and guess what, I can't do it. WM 11 removed the ability for me to import my old licenses(link)
And to give me even more of a headache I am now being told my Walmart that I have to call them to activate my own music(link - See notes on Media Player 11).
If there was ever a case against DRM this is one of them.

Steve Jobs has his say on DRM here: Thoughts on Music

Here is some other links:

Thursday, January 25, 2007

9-11 Video.

They have a funny 9-11 video(if there can be one) on YouTube that pokes fun at all the stupid tribute videos out there. If you do not have a heart for comedy about 9-11 then do not watch this. You have been warned.!!
Link to video

Even though I really think most people understand this, I need to point out that this is humor and it is not making lite of what happened on 9-11 (at least in my opinion).

Note: This was originally published on my other blog on 1/25/07