Friday, February 27, 2009


Well I haven't posted in a while and this isn't much of a post either. Been very busy with work and all that that I haven't had the time to sit down and write down my thoughts on whats going on in the world.

Lets see we now have a new president in office, who I swear wants to destroy this country and everything it stands for. One needs to be curious of a so called constitutional scholar who appears to not understand what the constitution is and what it stands for. If anything the statement that "It is only government that can break the vicious cycle" when referring to the financial mess, that it created by the way, should scare the average American (but I don't think it does).

The democrats passed the largest spending bill in history. Yes I said spending because that is exactly what it is. They are now going to push through a bill to reward all the people who should not have gotten a loan or who now find themselves unable to afford the loan they got for their homes. Of course people like me who decided against getting a bad loan will now have to pay for being smart. Should I ask for a bailout also since I built up a large amount of debt? Of course not since that is my responsibility. I say screw anybody who gets helped out by any bailout.

Oh yea and the people that own homes now and pay their mortgage on time will end up getting even more screwed in the end. Think about it for a moment, your neighbor is bailed out and the market for houses goes up. Your neighbor not only got the government bailout but they now benefit more than you do when the housing prices go up. Now that seems very fair doesn't it.

To sum up my fears here, I think that Obama is purposely trying to destroy more of capitalism and make people more reliant on the government. Since the more poor and uneducated people there are the more they will vote for government help at the cost of enslaving the hard working people. Remember that taxes are forced out of people with the threat of violence by the government. When 5% of the population is forced to support the other 95% there is something very worng morally wrong with that, if not un-american.

Ayn Rand says it best in the folloing quote.
Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). Ayn Rand
I now leave you with Harry Reid making a complete fool out of himself.

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