Tuesday, May 1, 2007

NJ Suck'sThe big One. Why do I still live here?

This State truly is the great SOCIALIST STATE of NJ. I bought a new car the other night and to my surprise I must have paid over $400 in extra fees. At least a hundred of that went to a stupid SUV Tax. I am already paying a hidden Federal Tax on truck and now I am getting hit again because I want a car I can be comfortable in. Besides the fact that you need a bigger car with 3 kids, and it is also safer.

Maybe NJ would rather I try to squash everybody into a small Yugo and put ourselves at higher risk of dieing in an accident.

I also paid a fee for my Tires, and a registration fee that I will have to pay again over the next 4 years but I won't get the car inspected until 2011. What a racket they got going. I think the scariest thing I learned is that if you go over the mileage on a lease you also have to pay taxes on the mileage payments.

This state is becoming a piece of shit. I love it, the governor rides around without a seatbelt( and this is common knowledge, but nobody seems to call him on it) going 90 mph in a SUV, and at the same time he passes laws that contradict all of that. Typical limousine liberal do as I say but not as I do.

I guess the most interesting part of the law is that it is also a luxury lax. So it really is just a tax on people who work hard and like to reward themselves with a nice car. I tell you this much I am forced to pay this tax because I need the room of a truck but I would never buy a car over $45000 with this tax applied to it.

I guess its still better than California wanting to charge an extra $2000 or more on gas guzzlers.

Linke to NJ Law

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