Thursday, November 29, 2007
Seattle mayor warns kids: Take these eco-light bulbs or Santa and the reindeer will drown
The Link
Friday, October 12, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Tower of Lights Tribute
We went to Liberty State park on 9-11 this year again as usual. I got some awsome shots of the Tower of Lights that are on display over in NYC not to far from ground zero. I have posted the picture to my picasa page also. See them here
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Resident must pay $50 to display support for presidential candidate
Here is the link to the story.,0,5584433.story
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Media Coverage of the Candidates is Bias!
How I come to this conclusion is simple, and it will be very evident as you continue to read on. I have no facts except the obvious and my common sense.
About me first; I am a Libertarian and I support a limited government. I also listen to talk radio(all political genres) and the news(Mostly Fox) all day long. So when I speak about the media I think I know enough to have some strong opinions on the matter. My bias in this will most likely be in favor of a third party candidate but don't let that take away from what I am saying here. I am also at this point a big supporter of Ron Paul.
The fact that the Media covers only the major candidates does a disservice to the so called minor candidates and to the American people. The major candidates are getting constant free press while the least popular candidates get nothing. In fact because of this I am sure the least popular also loose support, since people think of them as not viable based on the media support. What the media is doing is ensuring that the candidates that they like both Republican and Democrat are represented while the supposed fringe and third party candidates get none or as little press as possible. In some cases I have seen them try to make up lame excuses when they(the least popular) show good numbers.
This press blackout is by design and seems to spread to the radio also. Too many times do I hear the same comments echoed over and over again on the radio. Comments like: "A third party will never make it so why should we even talk about it" and "This candidate doesn't have enough support so why should we mention him". I am sure you get my point. I also get a kick out of the so called supporters of freedom that pooh pooh people and get them off the air ASAP when they start bringing up the constitution or bill of rights.
I personally feel if the news media wanted to be taken seriously from people like me who think independently then they need to tell the news properly. There are may other candidates in the race for 2008 and the media is focusing only on 8. Funny the one democrat that seems to be making the list in the polls has a lower percentage than some of the other republicans that aren't mentioned. How does this represent the truth to the American public.
Fox News my favorite news to watch is guilty of not being “Fair and Balanced“ in their own coverage of the campaigns. If they were truly fair and balanced then they would consistently mention all the candidates all the time but they don't since they are trying to stack the candidates and weed out the weaker candidates themselves. That is the peoples job! This is what primaries are for and ultimately the convention is for. Trying to narrow down the number of candidates before the primaries is wrong and should in my opinion be illegal. What the media is guilty of is interfering with the election.
In other words what the news media is basically doing is saying we feel that the following candidates are the best choice for the American people and that we will help weed out the candidates that we don't think have a chance before the people even get a chance to decide for themselves.
Well I for one am not falling for it. Don't you find it funny that the only straw poll (actual people voting) taken so far doesn't have the major candidates at the top. To me that says a lot and proves my point to some extent that the media is trying to fix (to some extent) the election.
I also have one last comment to make. I find some of the questions by the media to the so called candidates to be very un-American or more like pro big government. The same questions with the same theme are always asked: "What is your administration going to do for the American people?". That is to me the worst question any free thinking American should ask. The right questions should be "What is your administration going to do to give people more of their hard earned money back so they can be free again?"
What did she say?
30 Firefox add-on for web developers.
Here is the link if you are interested:
Another add-on I like to use, although it isn't primarily for web development but useful is the Regular Expression Tester. Also good is Add N Edit Cookies for viewing/editing cookies.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Dyson says Climate models are "grossly exaggerated"
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Root of all evil Part 1 and 2
He has a very valid point that religions of the world hurt us more than they help.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Sunday, June 10, 2007
My thoughts on immigration
Immigration is great for this country. The bird feeder problem is the same as the deer feeding problem in my opinion but it is not the case here.
The problem is not the immigrants pouring into this country but it is the democrat/republican socialist pigs that you people continuously elect/re-elect(if you don't vote, you can't complain).
The problem is not the birds for taking advantage of the bird feeder, it the fool who puts the bird feeder there in the first place! If you don't want the birds building nests and shitting all over your yard, DON'T PUT A FRIGGING BIRD FEEDER THERE FOR THEM!
So keeping that thought in mind, if we didn't have a system for immigrants to abuse then they wouldn't abuse it and we would have only immigrants that work and provide jobs. Just look to Europe for examples of how bad it can get with the social programs that exist there.
Now how do you solve the so called immigration problem?
I agree we have a problem with immigration and that is we don't allow enough people to emigrate into our country.
I also believe that breaking the law should not be rewarded either. Maybe some laws need to be changed here, this is up for discussion. All I ask is people enter through the front door not through my windows.
So what should be done is, for every person here illegally that is returned to their home country, a person who has been waiting on line will be admitted into the US.
Since Mexico is a large problem when it comes to illegal immigration we also need to threaten the Mexican Government(not talk, that opportunity has passed) to take care of their problems and to stop exporting them to us.
The big myth that immigrant take jobs that American won't is the biggest bunch of bull shit I have ever heard and I really get sick of hearing that excuse. We have over 6 Million or more people on welfare in this country I am sure they could do these jobs. We also have millions (couldn't find an accurate number for this anywhere) of people on SSI and I am almost positive more than half of them should be able to do some of these jobs. And what ever is left over could be done by "legal" immigrants.
Now here is the rub.. We really can't make these illegal immigrants legal. Because if we did they would have to get the minimum wage and join unions etc... and that would put them out of a job since some or most of the jobs they do now, are not paying them a "legal" wage.
50 - 100 years ago immigrants of any education would have been acceptable, but today we need immigrants who are educated and can think. If we continue to allow any immigrant into this country I guarantee that some may make it ok, but many will just become a burden to society and we do not need that. Do we really want our society to look like the shanty towns they have over in Mexico where these immigrants are coming from?
There may not be a specific case of a terrorist crossing our border from Mexico, but does that mean we shouldn't protect it? There was no case of people flying planes into buildings before 9/11 so maybe it was proper to ignore that as an option before 9/11. Now we know better and we should be prepared as long as it doesn't infringe on our rights(something for another discussion).
In order to even start to solve the immigration problem we need to protect our borders first. How, is up for discussion, but that should be the first order of business then we can figure out how to weed out the illegals and return them to whence they came.
I am not condoning the mass removal of all illegal aliens and sending them back to Mexico this second, it may take many years to do this. And the fact that families and children will be hurt in the process is not my problem since they chose the path that they took, no one forced them. If people continue to use such logic then maybe it would be better to not lock up a father or mother who committed a crime as not to disrupt their family and hurt the kids(this is absurd).
Friday, June 8, 2007
10 questions that every intelligent Christian must answer
This is just too good to pass up. The website for this stuff is Why won't God heal Amputees? and the YouTube channel for this is GIIVideo
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
NJ Suck'sThe big One. Why do I still live here?
This State truly is the great SOCIALIST STATE of NJ. I bought a new car the other night and to my surprise I must have paid over $400 in extra fees. At least a hundred of that went to a stupid SUV Tax. I am already paying a hidden Federal Tax on truck and now I am getting hit again because I want a car I can be comfortable in. Besides the fact that you need a bigger car with 3 kids, and it is also safer.
Maybe NJ would rather I try to squash everybody into a small Yugo and put ourselves at higher risk of dieing in an accident.
I also paid a fee for my Tires, and a registration fee that I will have to pay again over the next 4 years but I won't get the car inspected until 2011. What a racket they got going. I think the scariest thing I learned is that if you go over the mileage on a lease you also have to pay taxes on the mileage payments.
This state is becoming a piece of shit. I love it, the governor rides around without a seatbelt( and this is common knowledge, but nobody seems to call him on it) going 90 mph in a SUV, and at the same time he passes laws that contradict all of that. Typical limousine liberal do as I say but not as I do.
I guess the most interesting part of the law is that it is also a luxury lax. So it really is just a tax on people who work hard and like to reward themselves with a nice car. I tell you this much I am forced to pay this tax because I need the room of a truck but I would never buy a car over $45000 with this tax applied to it.
I guess its still better than California wanting to charge an extra $2000 or more on gas guzzlers.
Linke to NJ Law
Monday, April 2, 2007
Did you know Ron Paul is running for President?
Guess what? Ron Paul is running for president and know body knows it.
I found out by accident and it really bothers me that he is not even mentioned in the news as often as other candidates. I did find some references though and please check them out.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Why Atheists are just as wrong as the religious nuts.
Atheists are just as wrong as the religious nuts that they seem to hate or disagree with so much.
Atheists work on the same faith as religious people do. They seem to have faith that when you die there is nothing there. Where is this proof? How do they know that this is a fact as much as religious people do in their faith in some deity.
Again I bring this argument of religion to the forefront because I always wonder why atheists seem to want to remove the word "God" from everything. Who really cares if a dollar bill says "In God we trust" or "In George we trust", its a frigging word. Atheists claim they don't want the government pushing religion on people well I don't want the atheist pushing there religion on me either.
I don't have a problem with the word God on the dollar bill or in the Pledge of Allegiance(Another Link of interest). Simply because they are just words. The only thing people should be concerned of are when presidents veto a bill on stem cell research because of a religious belief (He could have vetoed the bill based on financial reasons but he didn't).
Based on atheist reaction to the word God, it makes me wonder if they are afraid of something. They already have faith in nothing so its just one step into a faith of something.
I guess one of my points here is that the existence of something religious in or on public places does not necessarily push religion on people. It only becomes an issue when one is forced to follow that religion or belief. So by forcing the removal of such religious material is forcing the Atheist belief on everybody else.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Using Multiple Eclipse Installs and Workspaces.
To save you some search time here are some links to do just that:
Monday, February 26, 2007
Comming to a City in the US near you.
It won't be long before the Fat police do what the following Fox News article explains is happening to an 8 year old kid in England.
Imagine social services coming to your house to take your kid away because they are to fat!
Even better, how about social services being so swamped in protecting overweight kids that more kids who really needed there help are neglected and end up dead. Oh that's right this happens now and they don't even have to worry about fat kids yet.,2933,254720,00.html
All I can say is I have stated this would happen for years and people either get sick of hearing about it, or just think I am a kook, but now I have the last laugh since all my prediction on government control are coming true.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Religions Suck and are dangerous
I am finally tired of being polite and keeping my mouth shut on this matter and I am tired of having to play the good guy in all this.
Now that Religion is affecting my life more and more I need to speak out and maybe someday do something more drastic about it. When I have to defend my thoughts to some fool who believes in God and be told that I am wrong and he is right and that I am the problem in this world and not the religious nuts, then I have to finally speak out.
I have finally come to the conclusion that religious people are retarded or something else is seriously wrong with them. Either way it is a sickness. There is no sane excuse for belief in such silly stuff. Just look around at what we have learned in the past few hundred(or longer) years with the advancement of science.Science had made the church change its ways too many times. Even the church itself has hidden its own scientific findings to keep the status quo over the years.
- How many people are burning in hell for believing the world was round and not flat!
- How many people are burning in hell for believing that the earth was not the center of the universe(see how Galileo was persecuted for such beliefs)!
Look how the church and the Qur'an make women out to be second class citizens. Even better both the bible and the Qur'an have believed in persecuting non-believers. How many families are destroyed because of religious beliefs? And of course the latest Islamic issues on the forefront of our news and life lately. Talk about wanting to destroy everything we have accomplished over the past 2000 years and wanting to bring back the dark ages.
I know I bitch about the Christians more but I can do that from experience. I truly believe that religions are going to destroy this world, they may have helped in the past but we have come to a point where their (all religious beliefs) are at risk of being dis-proven and they will most likely start a world war to ensure people don't lose their faith.
There really is a correlation IMO that religions are loosing their followers and will resort to violence to gain membership back. All I ask is that religious people leave me alone in my non beliefs and I will leave them alone. If you can't leave me alone and continue to pass laws in the name of God then you are asking me to fight for my non-beliefs. And in that good old self fulfilling prophecy you will get in the end what you expect at the cost of your religious beliefs, but it wont be Gods but your own demise.>
More to come.......
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
DRM sucks and here is proof.
Now I did everything that was asked of me so I wouldn't have any problems if I moved to another computer etc... I backed up my files and music just in case. And now here is the rub, I just got a new laptop and I go to update the license in Windows Media Player 11 and guess what, I can't do it. WM 11 removed the ability for me to import my old licenses(link)
And to give me even more of a headache I am now being told my Walmart that I have to call them to activate my own music(link - See notes on Media Player 11).
If there was ever a case against DRM this is one of them.
Here is some other links:
Thursday, January 25, 2007
9-11 Video.
Link to video
Even though I really think most people understand this, I need to point out that this is humor and it is not making lite of what happened on 9-11 (at least in my opinion).
Note: This was originally published on my other blog on 1/25/07