Monday, September 22, 2008

Are you an American?

Over the past year I have seen my Candidates whom I supported to run for president trampled on, ignored by the press and legally suppressed at every angle.

I do no believe that our Representative government is working anymore and I am coming to the realization that the only thing that would bring it back is to do as our forefathers had done and fight for it (see Deceleration of Independence).

Any support for the Republican or Democrat in the next election in my eyes and others is to be considered Un-American since neither party has shown that it supports this country and the Constitution that it is founded on. So for every person that votes for a Republican and Democrat they are doing the following:
  • They are in essence voting for the end of America and everything it stands for.
  • They are voting for the unconstitutional take over and bail outs of American Businesses.
  • They are voting for the taking of hard earned money of all people to use at their own discretion.
  • They are voting for the support for larger unconstitutional social programs.
  • They are voting for parties that work together to keep out real honest Change of bringing back the Constitution.
  • They are voting to allow government take overs of private institutions.
  • They are voting to lower the actual value of our dollar.

Of course I wrote this piece because of the following information.

And now the following quote from the Texas Attorney General who has used our troops as pawns in support of law that they would have no problem using to stop a third party candidate from getting on the ballot:

"Undeniably the Constitution of the United States protects the right of all qualified citizens to vote." In that spirit, the State of Texas opposes any threat to the rights of military service members to receive, case, and return ballots from abroad. The Motion for Emergency Stay filed by Relators Bob Barr, Wayne Allyn Root, and the Libertarian Party of Texas presents precisely this threat, in asking this Court to stop the mailing of ballots to our men and women in uniform around the globe. This Court should deny the Motion and protect the constitutional rights of military voters.

Maybe the Attorney General of Texas should follow its own rules and understand that the 2 major candidate themselves have created the situation of the troops not being able to vote for them because they did not follow the rules. But I am sure he would no problem denying the constitutional rights of them to vote if it were a third party who didn't follow the rules. How hypocritical and typical of our fascist friends in Texas and other states that have challenged other parties from getting on the ballots. Come to think of it maybe he has something there. Maybe third party candidates can use the same argument in other states in their fight for ballot access.

I can tell you that from the beginning I knew that this fight in Texas was lost because there is no such thing as honest laws any more. Laws are simply made to abuse the innocent when they, the powers that be, decide to enforce them.

So I ask you to show your support for America and its Constitution and do not vote for a Republican or a Democrat. I am sure you can find a third party candidate to vote for, if not write one in. The point is to vote third party to ensure our voice is heard. The politicians may not hear it at first but I guarantee the media will. Just think of all the attention independents are getting in this election.

Speaking of the Media. Can anyone point to a clip or writing by anybody important that asked a simple question to the powers that be trying to sell the bailout, if the bailout was constitutional?

Here are some reference links related to this:

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How I lost faith in the Market.

What am I going to do now. I have lost my faith in Wall Street. Not because of their failures but because the government is now involved in it. I would still have trust in the system if the investment banks and all were allowed to fail. They deserved to fail for playing games and not managing themselves properly. This was supposed to be a free market after all wasn't it? In a free market business will succeed and fail based on their own actions.

I have come to the conclusion that the people I trusted for honest news and opinion have gone astray and I do not think I can ever forgive them. People I have followed over the years and to whom I would once say I respected highly. I am no economist but some of these respected economists are actually going along with this and they are dead wrong. I can name some that in the recent past have said that the government should not and could not do this and now they are supporting it.

I am now very interested in trying to find new ways to build my portfolio without using the stock market since I can not trust it to work properly if the government is going to regulate and control it. I am going to continue with my 401k for now because honestly there will be some uptick in the market and it is a chance for me to get some of my money back. But no matter what I will be looking for something else to invest in. Too bad not much else is tax exempt.