Monday, February 26, 2007

Comming to a City in the US near you.

It won't be long before the Fat police do what the following Fox News article explains is happening to an 8 year old kid in England.

Imagine social services coming to your house to take your kid away because they are to fat!

Even better, how about social services being so swamped in protecting overweight kids that more kids who really needed there help are neglected and end up dead. Oh that's right this happens now and they don't even have to worry about fat kids yet.,2933,254720,00.html

All I can say is I have stated this would happen for years and people either get sick of hearing about it, or just think I am a kook, but now I have the last laugh since all my prediction on government control are coming true.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Religions Suck and are dangerous

I am finally tired of being polite and keeping my mouth shut on this matter and I am tired of having to play the good guy in all this.

Now that Religion is affecting my life more and more I need to speak out and maybe someday do something more drastic about it. When I have to defend my thoughts to some fool who believes in God and be told that I am wrong and he is right and that I am the problem in this world and not the religious nuts, then I have to finally speak out.

I have finally come to the conclusion that religious people are retarded or something else is seriously wrong with them. Either way it is a sickness. There is no sane excuse for belief in such silly stuff. Just look around at what we have learned in the past few hundred(or longer) years with the advancement of science.

Science had made the church change its ways too many times. Even the church itself has hidden its own scientific findings to keep the status quo over the years.

  • How many people are burning in hell for believing the world was round and not flat!
  • How many people are burning in hell for believing that the earth was not the center of the universe(see how Galileo was persecuted for such beliefs)!

Look how the church and the Qur'an make women out to be second class citizens. Even better both the bible and the Qur'an have believed in persecuting non-believers. How many families are destroyed because of religious beliefs? And of course the latest Islamic issues on the forefront of our news and life lately. Talk about wanting to destroy everything we have accomplished over the past 2000 years and wanting to bring back the dark ages.

I know I bitch about the Christians more but I can do that from experience. I truly believe that religions are going to destroy this world, they may have helped in the past but we have come to a point where their (all religious beliefs) are at risk of being dis-proven and they will most likely start a world war to ensure people don't lose their faith.

There really is a correlation IMO that religions are loosing their followers and will resort to violence to gain membership back. All I ask is that religious people leave me alone in my non beliefs and I will leave them alone. If you can't leave me alone and continue to pass laws in the name of God then you are asking me to fight for my non-beliefs. And in that good old self fulfilling prophecy you will get in the end what you expect at the cost of your religious beliefs, but it wont be Gods but your own demise.>

More to come.......